Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Plants blooming...or not

I live in southern California where the weather is fab.  Winter was mild...oh wait, we're still in winter technically aren't we?  Mostly our winter this year has been 2 weeks of sunshiny 70 or 80 degrees, 2 days of coolish 50 or 60 degrees punctuated on occasion with rain.  Not too shabby.
Last year my office moved to a location that has a beautiful large patio.  It's got some fab plants and one that I found that is totally glorious in springtime. Especially en masse.

Here is what is budding right now.   Ok, so Blogger will not let me post the photos.  Grrrr.
I'll try later, until now it's a mystery plant with it's mystery blossoms.

Hooray! Look!  The stalks emerging.
The blooms in full bloom (taken last year)
More detail

The benefit of all these flowers is the beauty that they give to the cement patio and better, how they draw hummingbirds to them.  There are usually a dozen or more feeding on the blossoms all the time.  They're gorgeous and they are the thing that helps me stay sane at work.

This afternoon I went out and also spied this sweet daffodil.  Yesterday I thought it was a weed, today a single blossom and more on the way.
Spring in February?

I hope you enjoy flowers wherever you are!

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